Martin Breheney, Senior Analyst NIMMS

Calls for Investment
After three years of political deadlock, the power sharing Executive of Northern Ireland has re-entered devolved government. A New Decade New Approach promises to deliver effective changes in areas impacting profoundly on people's lives like economy, health, struggling school, housing crisis, welfare concerns, and mental health. Time will undoubtedly tell if the new Executive can reliably deliver on the multi-year Programme for Government.
Since the breakthrough in critical negotiations, “Calls for Investment” throughout a broad spectrum of issues have been published across print articles in Northern Ireland. In total, 232 newspaper articles featured references by sectors and regions requiring urgent injections of cash. Infrastructure commanded the most significant share of references with 52 Investment calls into better water infrastructure and movement on Northern Ireland’s biggest road schemes.
Calls for financing across the Education sector for school funding, essential maintenance and an academic priority from the North West for a new medical school at the University of Ulster Magee Campus. The consistent theme across health investment calls concluded no temporary fix was achievable but pay parity for nurses constitute the first step in the appropriate direction.
A conclusive need for Mental Health investment was evident, children must be at the heart of subsequent policies and urgent action needed on suicide.
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