Martin Breheney: Senior Analyst, NIMMS Ltd

Social Media Engagement
With the unique opportunity for communication and marketing teams to exploit the effective use of social media engagement during this historic period of profound uncertainty. Here at NIMMS we have investigated whether the expected increase in social media output from organisations around the Country has come to fruition. A sample of present clients who avail of our social media monitoring tools was used across four sectors: Council, Sport, Private, and Public. Comparing their social media engagement between April 2020 and October 2020 against the aforesaid dates in 2019.
Combining the overall figures from each of the sample clients, surprisingly. We observed a 7% decrease in social media usage during the hardship of the pandemic. A startling discovery as most anticipate an increase with the online world becoming frequently more resourceful. Due to print publications falling by the wayside and the advantages social media offers in reaching direct audiences.
Intrigued by the key findings, we focused deeper into each of the above-mentioned sectors to see if any apparent trends could explain the overall decrease. Council’s saw a 50% increase in social media output. Certainly to be typically expected with frequent communications on the developing situation of the pandemic being published across social channels. The private sector likewise saw a huge increase in social engagement. Producing a considerable increase of 126%. Again, with direct and non-direct accountability to Northern Ireland’s Institutes, constant updates on services and official announcements accelerated the growth.
Here is where the scales have been tipped to indicate a drop in social engagement and output during the pandemic. First, the private sector has seen, a decrease of 46%. The closing of business, especially within the retail and hospitality sector attributes a sizeable share of the overall decrease within the sector. But the biggest decrease in social engagement was that from local sports teams and events. A 49% reduction in social content creation which can clearly be assigned by the cancelling of elite level sporting leagues and international sporting event like Belfast Marathon, SuperCup NI and North West 200. Whom persuade massive international followers both visiting or across the digital world.
For further information on our social media monitoring tools, other media monitoring services or media intelligence capabilities. Please contact